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Text link ads are keyword-rich text links which are placed on high page rank and high traffic, industry related blogs or websites for a small fixed, monthly fee. And the two main benefits of text link ads are increased page rank and more targeted traffic for your website. Text link ads can bring you lots of targeted traffic and can also increase your Google page rank for your website as well.

And you can purchase text link ads through a text link broker or directly from the website or blog owner where your text link ads will be hosted. Text link ads are usually placed in a prominent area on the publishers’ website. And the more visible your text link ads are then the more targeted traffic you’re bound to receive.
Having your text link ad on a high traffic and high PR website helps your site to become a high traffic and a high PR website as well. When Google sees a keyword-rich text link pointing to your site from a high page rank website, then Google begins to increase your page rank as well. And when visitors are on a high traffic website, then those visitors can visit your site by clicking on your text link ad.
For example, if you were selling digital cameras, then you can place your text link ad on a high traffic, digital camera review site. And if a person is on a digital camera review site then that site visitor is a potential customer for your site as well. And if the potential customer just happens to see a link in a prominent place on that website which reads, “Buy a Digital Camera with Free Shipping”, then you can be sure that someone is going to click on your link.

Creating successful text link ads

When creating text link ads, the rules remain the same as with every other internet marketing strategy. And that is to create a list of your most important keywords and/or keyword phrases and place those keywords within your text link ads.

When creating your text link ads, it’s important to use the same keywords and keyword phrases your customers would use to find your products online.

For example, if you were looking to buy a digital camera then you might use the keyword phrases “Buy digital camera”, or “best digital cameras”, or “top 10 Digital cameras.
However, when it comes to creating text link ads, your keyword-rich text link should remain short and straight to the point.

Visitors are more likely to read and click on your text link ad if your ad reads more like a short powerful headline instead of a headline with a sub-headline as well.

Furthermore, most text link ads consist of 4 to 5 words in the main text ad, (which is the equivalent of a headline), followed by a short description which can consist of 12 to 15 words. And the domain name of the website is usually added at the end or in between the text link ad and description.

For example:

Text link title: Digital Cameras On Sale Now!
Description: Buy the latest digital cameras on sale now with free shipping

Your ad would appear on the publishers’ website as follows:

Digital Cameras On Sale!
Buy the latest digital cameras
on sale now with free shipping

Digital Cameras On Sale!
Buy the latest digital cameras
on sale now with free shipping

It’s important to use multiple keyword phrases within your text link ads, not only to get your customers to click on your ads but to also help Google rank your website for those particular keywords. And this is why advertisers purchase multiple text link ads with multiple keyword phrases.

Tip: You can also begin to place text link ads for pre-orders as well even before the products become available.

For example:

New Nikon XYZ
Pre-order the new Nikon
XYZ now with free shipping

Placing text link ads for pre-orders has always been a successful strategy for securing orders for products even before they hit the market.
Tips for purchasing and placing text link ads

When purchasing text link ads, it’s important to purchase ads on blogs and websites that are related to your niche product industry.

For example, (as mentioned above), if you’re selling digital cameras on your website then an effective marketing strategy would be to place your text link ad on a digital camera review site as review sites are where most customers go before making an actual purchase online. And if they see your link on that site then that customer becomes a potential customer for your site as well.

It’s also important to make sure that the website you’re placing your ad on has a fair to high PR (page rank) and receives plenty of traffic as well.

You’ll also want to make sure that your text link ad is placed on a prominent and highly visible position on every page where you link is placed.

Prominent text link ad placement is crucial

It’s important to know ahead of time where your text link ad is going to be placed on the advertisers’ website.

The top and the middle of the webpage would be the most prominent places to have your text link ads appear, (left and right side margins included as well).

When the search engine scans a webpage, the search engine spider tends to view and scan the page in blocks. And it’s important for Google to find your text link ads in the most prominent areas of the webpage in order to be found, scanned and indexed for those specific keywords and keyword phrases. Furthermore, text link ads that are found at the top and in the middle of a webpage are more likely to be seen and get clicked on than text link ads that are found at the bottom of a webpage.
Links need time to gain Page Rank

Internet marketing experts agree that text link ads need to remain in their position for some time in order to gain PR (page rank) from Google.

Depending on how often the Google spider re-visits the website or blog where your text link ad has been placed, it can take a few months in order to see significant improvements in your Google page rank as a result of those text link ads.

90 days is the recommend length of time to leave the same text link ad on any high PR and high traffic website in order to see a significant increase in page rank and in targeted traffic as well. And this is why many advertisers place multiple text link ads on multiple websites for several months at a time.

Number of outbound links matter

When selecting a website or blog to place your text link ads on it’s important to take note of how many other outbound links are found on that page as a site with too many outbound links may not rank well with Google. And some times, a website can be penalized by a decrease in page rank for having too many outbound links as such sites can be seen as link sites, link farms or link pages.

An exception to this scenario would be a high traffic and high ranking online directory such as DMOZ or Yahoo Directory where Google already knows that these sites are indeed directories and not link farms.

Age of website matters

The age of the website where your link will be placed on also matters as well. Google and other search engines see websites that have been around for years as authority figures in the industry.

Google tends to place more value on outbound links coming from websites that are 2 years or older than from websites that are fairly new. And the older the website is, then the more value Google bestows upon such sites as far as internet presence is concerned.
Text link ads vs Google ads

Paid text link ads and Google ads are not the same. Text link ads bring you targeted traffic and increase page rank while Google ads bring you traffic only. However, there are a few good reasons why paid text link ads may be a better investment than Google ads are. For example, with paid text link ads, you pay a monthly fixed fee to have your link placed on a high traffic and high PR website and can receive unlimited clicks without having to pay for those clicks. Yet with Google ads, you have to pay each time someone clicks on your ad and you never know where your ad is going to be placed.

Google has an ad network of innumerous websites and they decide where your ad is going to be placed - not you. Yet with paid text link ads, you can decide where you want your ad to be placed and it doesn’t matter how many clicks your ad gets as you only have to pay a flat rate, one time per month for unlimited clicks.

A 30 day text link ad campaign can cost you anywhere from $20 per month or more while 30 clicks from Google ads can drain your Google ad account rather quickly. Furthermore, if the funds in your Google ad account become depleted then your Google ads are stopped from being displayed across the network.

Text link ad prices are not based upon clicks - they are set at a fixed monthly rate while Google ads are based upon clicks and bidding for placement as well. With Google ads, you can end up paying anywhere from 10 cents to 80 cents or more per click every time someone clicks on your text link ad.

With text link ads, you pay one time per month and that’s it, no matter how many times your text link ad gets clicked on. So if you want to increase Google page rank and targeted traffic as well, then paid text link ads may be the best way to go. However, you may be better off buying your text link ads from text link brokers instead of going directly to the website owners themselves. And there are many accredited text link brokers to help get your ads on high ranking and high traffic websites within 48 hours or less.

Text link brokers already have portfolios of pre-qualified, high traffic and high PR websites to place your text ads on. And brokers offer websites for nearly every niche market on the internet along with marketing plans to fit your budget. is the premiere targeted traffic and link popularity ad firm on the internet. They specialize in placing static html links on high quality, high traffic websites which bring in great results.

Text-Link-Ads clients have seen a dramatic increase in targeted traffic, brand exposure, and organic search engine rankings with their services. And they currently work with a wide range of clients from Fortune 500 firms to individual website owners.

Text-Link-Ads is guided by an in house staff consisting of some of the brightest minds in the search space. And Text-Link-Ads is also a member of the Better Business Bureau and a circle member of SEMPO (Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization). And by placing an ad with you can be receiving targeted traffic within a matter of days.

For more information on Text-Link-Ads please visit their website at:

Other accredited text link ad brokers:


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