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Implementing your most important keywords within the domain name, title tags, description tags and keyword tags are just a part of search engine optimization.

Now you’ll have to implement your most important keywords throughout the actual webpage itself.

Optimizing the content of your web page

The content of your webpage is what your customers will see, such as the product information on a product page. And in order to create a search engine optimized web page, then your most important keywords must be implemented throughout the content of your web page, beginning with your heading tags.
Heading tags <h1>

Heading tags or what is commonly known as H1 header tags are used to define the main headline title on the actual webpage and is usually used for the title of the product itself.

For example: Dell Model XYZ Laptop

Dell Model XYZ Laptop is the title for the product of the product page and can be assigned “H1 tags” to create more keyword relevancy for that page. And a title with H1 tags will also tell the search engines that this page is all about the Dell Model XYZ Laptop.

For example: <h1>Dell Model XYZ Laptop</h1>

Search engines see the keywords inside the Header tags as a definite description of the webpage and by assigning H1 title tags to the title of the product page it creates another important and significant place to implement your most important keywords.

There are several HTML Heading tags:

<h1>heading 1</h1>
<h2>heading 2</h2>
<h3>heading 3</h3>
<h4>heading 4</h4>
<h5>heading 5</h5>
<h6>heading 6</h6>

Your <h1>Heading 1</h1> tags define the most important heading such as your product title for example. i.e., Dell Model XYZ Laptop

Your <h6>heading 6</h6> tags define the least important heading on the page and will be ranked as such by the search engines.

In other words, whatever the search engines see in the H1 tags will be classified as most important. And whatever the search engines see in the H6 tags will be classified as less important but will be indexed as well.

For this reason, most webmasters building search engine optimized websites use the H1 tags for the main product name and the H2 tags for the sub heading as the keywords found within the H1 and H2 tags would be classified as being the most important keywords to the search engine spiders.

To assign the H1 and H2 tags to the product title and sub title as well, all you have to do is type in the product name on the webpage, (Dell Model XYZ Laptop), highlight the product title with your mouse, and then from the menu, select “Heading H1”.

This will assign the H1 heading tag to the product title for that page. And in the code mode of your web page your product title will appear as follows:

<H1>Dell Model XYZ Laptop</H1>
However, the H1 tags will also bold and/or increase the size of the text to make it appear larger than the rest of the text and will appear to the reader as follows:

Dell Model XYZ Laptop

You can leave the product title in its’ H1 text size standing out from the rest of the product information or you can size it down by simply highlighting the text, selecting text edit properties and reducing the size of the text to size 12 or size 10.

H1 and H2 tags are important and can become a great tool in your search engine optimization plan. Then you can proceed to optimize the actual content of the web page.
Implementing keywords within the content of your webpage

The content of your web page is the product information for that product of which you’re building the web page for. And you can obtain product images and product information from the manufacturers’ website or from the distributors’ website as well.

If you’re building your website with an online store builder program from BigCommerce, Volusion or Shopify for example, then you can enter the product information onto your webpage from within the administration area of the storefront builder program.

If you’re building your website with a web development program then you can simply enter (paste) the product information within the tables (or place holder) where the product information belongs.

Keep in mind that no matter which way you build your web page, building a web page is as simple as “insert image and copy and paste the product text” onto the actual body of the web page.

Then you can highlight the product text and format it by selecting the proper font size and font style. i.e. Arial font size 10.

You’ll want to make sure that your main keywords, “Dell Model XYZ Laptop”, are spread out throughout the body of the content on the product page. And you can do so by using the product title with descriptive terms as sub headings throughout the content of the product information.
Creating keyword density

Keyword density refers to the ratio (percentage) of how many times your most important keywords appear throughout the content amongst the rest of the words found on the web page. In general, a keyword density ratio in the range of 2% or more is recommended. And although keyword density is important, you can still create an acceptable keyword density ratio by placing your most important keywords two times in the first paragraph of the page, and then two more times in the middle of the page, and then two more times in the last paragraph of the web page within the product information.

For example, the keywords “Dell Model XYZ Laptop” should be found at least two times in the first paragraph of the web page.

Then implement the keywords “Dell Model XYZ Laptop” two more times in the middle of the page, (if those words are not already found within the content in the middle of the page). And then implement the keywords “Dell Model XYZ Laptop” two more times at the end of the page, (again, if those keywords are not already in the content at the end of the page).

When creating keyword density, some marketers use this opportunity to stuff as many keywords as they can throughout the content of the webpage in an attempt to increase the keyword density ratio.

However, doing so can also be seen and classified as keyword spamming by the search engines and can end up doing your web page more harm than good. Therefore, a balance in keyword distribution throughout the webpage is recommended. And many times, your most important keywords will already be implemented within the description of the product information and therefore, creating keyword density may not be necessary as far as the frequency of those keywords is concerned. Yet those keywords should be evenly placed throughout the content of the page itself. i.e. at the top, the middle and at the end of the page.
Implementing keyword text links

Keyword-rich text links, also known as anchor text, are keywords or keyword phrases that are converted into active links which link to another web page on the same website or to an outside source as well.

When crawling the web, search engine spiders look for text links on web pages and the keywords within the text links to describe the page it’s pointing to. But it also creates a higher and more important keyword relevancy for the page for which that the keyword text link is located on as well. In fact, text links which contain your most important keywords in the text link will have much more value than the actual keywords themselves. This in itself can become a powerful tool in optimizing your web pages for better placement and higher ranking. And to turn any keywords into active text links all you have to do is highlight the keyword text from within the content of the web page, and then right click and select hyper link from the dialog box.

In the dialog box, you can select the web page to where the text link will point to which can be another related webpage page on your website.

Keyword text links are very important to search engine optimization. And to create a high, keyword relevant web page you can implement 1 keyword text link at the top of the page, 1 keyword text link in the middle of the page, and 1 keyword text link at the bottom of the page as well. However, keep in mind that these keywords and keyword phrase text links are not intended for the reader to click on but are solely for the purpose of creating a keyword rich, search engine optimized web page.

Therefore, you can remove the active link indicator line which appears under the keyword text by simply highlighting the keyword text and then clicking on the “add and remove” underline option “U”, found in the menu of the web development program. And you can create more keyword-rich text links by creating a separate index page for that specific product category and then link those product text titles to their respective pages on your website.

NOTE: It’s important to Bold and change the color of the text link (to blue) in order to make it known to the search engines that you are not creating a hidden text link which could be seen by the search engines as keyword spamming. Hidden text links which appear to look exactly like the text within content can be seen as spam by most major search engines and/or can hinder your search engine ranking .
Implementing your keywords in the URL of the web page

After you’ve completed building and optimizing your web page for that specific product then you can save the page as the name of the product. And to do so, all you have to do is select, “save as” from the menu and then name the page with the name of the actual product along with other action keywords as well.

NOTE: You can implement a dash - , or an underscore line _, to separate the keywords in the URL.

For example, “save as”:




Once your web page is search engine optimized for that specific product then save that page as the product name with other keywords and you’re done. That webpage in itself is now search engine optimized. And when a customer performs a search on the search engine for the keywords “buy Dell Model XYZ”, then your listing will appear in the search results as follows:

Buy the New Dell Model XYZ Laptop On Sale with Free Shipping Now!
Buy the New Dell Model XYZ which comes with a 14 inch display, Inter Core i3-2330M 2.2Ghz, 4GB DDR3 Memory, 640GB Hard drive and more; on sale now with FREE SHIPPING. Click here now!

A search engine listing such as this is more likely to persuade your customers to click on your link more than any other type of listing in the search results. And more importantly, a listing with a keyword rich title, description, domain name and URL, is the highest form of search engine optimization.

If you want to succeed online, then search engine optimization is a must. And search engine optimization, (SEO), is nothing more than placing all the right keywords in all the right places. And best of all, you can do it yourself for free!
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